Home / July update: Chief Executives Forum

July update: Chief Executives Forum

The Canterbury Chief Executives Forum met on 27 July 2020.

Key agenda items were:

  • the Government’s Three Waters reforms (drinking water, wastewater, stormwater)
  • consultation and feedback on the Mayoral Forum’s draft Plan for Canterbury, due to be finalised and launched on 4 September 2020
  • review and adoption of an expanded three-year work programme that includes actions in the draft Mayoral Forum Plan for Canterbury
  • agreeing to fund the next stage of a regional climate change risk assessment for Canterbury
  • a review of terms of reference for Canterbury Water Management Strategy zone committees
  • a three-yearly review and adoption of terms of reference for the Chief Executives Forum, Policy Forum, Operations Forum and Corporate Forum
  • adoption of a regional forums budget for 2020/21
  • regional COVID-19 recovery oversight.

Coming up

  • Mayoral Forum quarterly meetings, 3–4 September
  • Corporate and Operations Forums, 14 September
  • Policy Forum, 2 October
  • Chief Executives Forum, 2 November.

Other news