Held on 22 July 2019 and hosted by Selwyn District Council at the West Melton Community and Recreation Centre.
Key agenda items
- Reviewing the package of briefings for the incoming Mayoral Forum. This includes a draft Briefing for incoming Mayors, a record of Mayoral Forum achievements 2016–19, and an overview of the Canterbury region and how it is currently performing across the four wellbeings and the four capitals of the Treasury’s Living Standards Framework. The final drafts of these documents will be endorsed by the Mayoral Forum at its August meeting.
- Receiving the draft Canterbury Water Management Strategy 2019 targets report. This is a bi-annual report showing progress towards achieving the 2020 targets of the CWMS. The final report will be released following consideration by the Mayoral Forum.
- Agreeing to set-up a short-life project group to assess wellbeing indicator needs for Canterbury councils and services for providing data and analysis.
- An update on the Canterbury Story, a CREDS project being undertaken by ChristchurchNZ.
- An update from the Climate Change working group, including work underway to undertake a climate change risk assessment for the region. This will help councils to understand and prepare to respond to risks posed by climate change.
- Quarterly updates on the Canterbury Water Management Strategy, implementation of the three-year work programme and CREDS projects, and Provincial Growth Fund applications from Canterbury.
Coming up
- The Mayoral Forum meets in Christchurch on 8–9 August 2019.
- The Chief Executives Forum next meets on 4 November 2019.