The Mayoral Forum met on February 18 via Zoom. Significant agenda items are summarised on this page.
View the full agenda (PDF 20.7mb)
CREDS update
An update was provided on the remaining workstreams under CREDS (Canterbury Regional Economic Development Strategy), including a final report from the second phase of the mobile blackspots project, and reports from Leftfield Innovation as part of the Food and Fibre Innovation Programme.
Resource Management reform
Minister Parker attended the meeting and spoke to issues around Resource Management reform, including the current work of the Steering Group on composition of joint committees and how to ensure communities are able to provide their expectations to the joint committees.
Regional Public Service Commissioner update
Ben Clark, Regional Public Service Commissioner, joined the meeting to provide an update on the Regional Leadership Group and the COVID-19 response.
COVID-19 response
Peter Bramley, Chief Executive of Canterbury District Health Board, joined the meeting to give an overview of health sector preparations for COVID-19, current status and planned phases of response. Discussion included equity of response for all community members, and the importance of ensuring support for isolated and rural communities.
Three waters transition
Marlon Bridge, Acting Director of the Three Waters Transition Unit at DIA joined the meeting to speak about work underway on the transition. He shared the staged approach for information gathering and encouraged members to provide feedback and work together through the process.
Future for Local Government
Mike Reid, Principal Policy Advisor at LGNZ joined the meeting to facilitate a mini workshop to gain members’ views on some aspects of the future for local government. Feedback provided will feed into broader consultation with the review panel.
Other agenda items included
- Canterbury Water Management Strategy update
- Climate Change Steering Group update
- Chief Executives Forum report.
Coming up
- The Corporate and Operations Forums meet on 21 March
- The Policy Forum meets on 1 April
- The Chief Executives Forum meets on 1 May
- The Mayoral Forum meets on 27 May.