On 3 February 2020, the Forum workshopped a Plan for Canterbury to replace the Canterbury Regional Economic Development Strategy (CREDS).
Where the CREDS focused on economic development, the new Plan will be framed by all four aspects of intergenerational wellbeing (environmental, economic, social and cultural) and the four ‘capitals’ that enable wellbeing (natural capital, financial and physical capital, human capital and social capital).
The Forum has postponed further work on its Plan for Canterbury in order to focus on responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Highlights from Mayoral Forum meetings 27–28 February
At the meeting on 28 February, the Forum:
- noted that all councils have now ratified the Canterbury Local Authorities’ Triennial Agreement (224kB PDF)
- endorsed an initial working draft of the Mayoral Forum’s Plan for Canterbury
- endorsed the reappointment of Hugh Logan as chair of the Regional Water Management Committee and confirmed territorial authority representatives on the Committee
- received an update from Mayor Craig Rowley on the multi-year Food, Fibre and Innovation Programme to foster value-added production and high-value manufacturing
- noted that as part of wrapping up its CREDS digital connectivity work programme, the Forum has issued a Request for Proposals to map and prioritise mobile blackspots on Canterbury highways
- received an update from Mayor Graham Smith on the Canterbury Story project and urged all councils and economic development agencies to contribute to it, use and promote it
- received an update from Mayor Sam Broughton on stage one of the South Island visitor destination management plan
- developed a plan to engage with Ministers and MPs during election year, to advocate for Canterbury and its communities.